Review - MagBound, Self-Bondage Electromagnet

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Review - MagBound, Self-Bondage Electromagnet

Unread post by Happyscope »

I recently purchased the MagBound (Premium) self-bondage electromagnet, which has exceeded my expectations regarding reliability, convenience, and overall performance. This small, portable device offered me and anyone else a fail-safe solution for those interested in safe and time-controlled self-bondage experiences. In my review here, I will highlight the key features that made the MagBound stand out and share my personal experiences with both the wall and furniture mounting options. I am doing this review out of pure happiness with the device, and I believe it deserves much more recognition than it currently has. THIS IS NOT A PAID AD/SPONSOR. I purchased this myself and paid a good amount of money. £200 ish. With import tax on top.
Reliability and Safety:
MagBound truly delivers on its promise of reliability. Thanks to its metal-fabricated construction and intelligent design, I have experienced zero issues with the device in terms of breaking and/or being able to break free once locked. The fail-safe design ensures that, even in the event of a timer malfunction (digital or analogue), the power bank will run out of charge, and the magnet will release, guaranteeing a safe and easy exit from any bondage scenario. This feature provides peace of mind and eliminates potential concerns about getting trapped. (An emergency release is always advised, eg. someone who will check on you or an undesirable release, paint tin with the key, etc.) I bought the intelligent timer device they sell, allowing for online controlled timing through a local wifi address that the timer emits. I can also use that timer anywhere, as it provides a dedicated wifi signal from a local host connection to a phone. A typical wall plug-like timer is available from the company, designed to work with the power bank set-up. It should be noted that I have been part of their Discord server, and they are constantly working on upgrades to the technology, and soon they will have a standalone app to control the Magbound with the ability to share links for remote control with users you trust!

Portable and Convenient:
One of the standout features of MagBound is its portability. Compatible with standard portable power banks, this device allows for freedom of movement while maintaining a secure bondage experience. Whether at home or in a hotel room…or even when I went camping, the compact size of the MagBound ensured easy transport and discreet storage/use. Furthermore, the ability to power it with a power bank means you can enjoy extended sessions without worrying about needing an outlet. Meaning if you want to get kinky in a private woodland/abandoned building (With permission, of course ) …you can.

Mounting Options:
MagBound offers a few different mounting options; I bought the wall and furniture/chair mount. I have enjoyed of using both, with many new holes being drilled secretly into my house walls and furniture, and I am impressed with the versatility they provide when in use with respect to not breaking when pulled against. The wall mount allows for easy installation in a dedicated space, while the furniture mount can be attached to various objects, expanding the possibilities for creative bondage scenarios. Both mounting houses are sturdy and reliable, ensuring a secure connection between the device and the surface it's mounted on. And can be removed and placed back on whenever needed.

Flawless Performance:
In my experience, the MagBound has worked flawlessly every time. The electromagnet's strength is perfectly calibrated, providing an optimal level of restraint without compromising safety. The device is responsive and easy to control, allowing for quick adjustments as needed before the session starts. Additionally, the thoughtful design ensures that the magnet does not cause discomfort or leave marks on the skin as it has a rather premium and sleek brushed polished finish. Not only can this be used for restraining in all sorts of scenarios regarding the magnet connected between cuffs or fixed points to a limb, you could use the magnet release to drop a key on a pull rope. The possibilities are endless, and I find new ways of using them each time. Despite being advertised and stated not to be used for suspension, it proved strong and fun for a short test of it holding my hands above my head.

The MagBound is an outstanding self-bondage electromagnet that combines reliability, convenience, and safety in a compact package, especially if you can purchase some of the added extras they offer. With its fail-safe design, compatibility with power banks, and versatile mounting options, this device provides a trustworthy solution for those interested in exploring the world of self-bondage. I have been thoroughly impressed with its flawless performance and highly recommend it to anyone seeking a high-quality and dependable tool for their bondage experiences.
However, it isn't cheap. But it is also one of a kind, and with the price comes the service and standard you would expect. At the time of purchase, I was a little excited and didn't look around much for discounts, but after, I was able to find a 5% off code for anyone interested. I'll be using it to buy the standard timer and a pillory next. 5% off code: GETATREAT5


It works on both the Etsy store and the store they have. I love the product and wish them to do well! Please see the video attached of the device, me showing it open and close.

5% off code: GETATREAT5
(NOT AFFILATE OR AFFILATE LINKs) ... GETATREAT5 Etsy store Company website/store

Please post any questions or your own opinions below! ill be happy to help and provide any more session details etc if wanted.

Unfettered Newbie
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Re: Review - MagBound, Self-Bondage Electromagnet

Unread post by Nonconformer »

Thank you for taking the time to write a review. You certainly have convinced me. I am currently experimenting with cheap Amazon time locks - which I am finding to be unreliable. £200 for the maglock will take time for me to save. However it does appear to be well worth the investment.

Unfettered Newbie
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Re: Review - MagBound, Self-Bondage Electromagnet

Unread post by Happyscope »

Well i did go all out and bought all the other little bits, could always just get the lock and build up the add ons over time etc. But I wish I had to 5% off when I bought it so save a little....But whats done is done, I don't regret it.

Unfettered Newbie
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Re: Review - MagBound, Self-Bondage Electromagnet

Unread post by Happyscope »

It was September 1st I vеnturеd dееp into thе local forеst around a 20 minute walk from the public path, thе еarthy scеnt of thе woods еnvеloping mе as I found the spot I found fitting, I еffortlеssly sеcurеd thе MagBound to a sturdy branch, crеating a simplе yеt еffеctivе rеstraint. With thе timеr sеt for two hours, I fеlt a mix of еxcitеmеnt and apprеhеnsion. Thе rustling lеavеs and distant sounds hеightеnеd my sеnsеs, making mе acutеly awarе of еvеry subtlе movеmеnt around mе. Thе slight achе from thе bindings I had placеd ovеr my body addеd an uncomfortablе thrill, rеminding mе of my vulnеrability in thе vast wildеrnеss. Checking down over my rather well bound body with legs spread and roped around the tree and my mouth stuffed. I reached my hands up to the magnet and my disk clicked into place…. A Click you cant go back from.
As timе passеd, thе bindings bеgan to fееl incrеasingly constricting, and thе achе grеw morе pronouncеd. Evеry crack of a branch or rustlе of lеavеs sеnt a surgе of adrеnalinе through mе, intеnsifying thе sеnsation of bеing at thе mеrcy of thе forеst and anyone who may see. Thе dapplеd sunlight playеd through thе trееs, crеating shifting pattеrns on thе forеst floor, whilе thе discomfort and hеightеnеd awarеnеss addеd a raw еdgе to thе еxpеriеncе. A subtlе hint of hеlplеssnеss lingеrеd as my mouth was covеrеd, rеndеring mе unablе to shout for hеlp so be someone did find me and had other plans. Droplеts of drool tricklеd down my chin, a tangiblе rеmindеr of my constrainеd statе amid thе wildеrnеss. With еach passing minutе, thе forеst sееmеd to comе alivе with its own еnеrgy, and physical strain of thе bindings undеrscorеd my vulnеrability, making thе thrill of thе unknown all thе morе palpablе. Thе two-hour lock fеlt likе an еtеrnity as I grapplеd with thе viscеral rеalitiеs of my solitary vеnturе.
As thе two-hour mark approachеd, thе forеst sееmеd to hold its brеath, and my sеnsеs wеrе acutеly attunеd to thе passing of timе. Thеn, in a suddеn, almost surrеal momеnt, thе powеr to thе MagBound was cut. My hands droppеd, rеlеasеd from thе inеscapablе bound, and I stood thеrе, momеntarily disoriеntеd yеt еxhilaratеd by thе suddеn rush of frееdom. Thе forеst, now tingеd with thе gеntlе huеs of dusk, еmbracеd mе oncе morе, thе rеmnants of my daring еscapadе еtchеd in both mеmory and thе lingеring thrill of thе wildеrnеss. A tree and spot I will be most certainly visiting again….

“I tried to make a fairly standard Self bondage session with this product sound pleasing to the reader beyond say what you see, hope you liked it. As for the device in outdoor self bdsm, it worked flawless. My only wish is that they get the app sorted ASAP so that I can have someone come on the adventures over the internet given safety is taken and be at the mercy of them and the lock. No issues with set up while in the field and I made sure to bring a smaller power bank just in case the timer did fail. I also had someone who knew where I was all be something did happen etc, my phone was tracking my location for said person.”

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